Hi Sweet Sister,
Welcome to MaMaitri. A beautiful, safe and nurturing space for like-minded women to connect, feel empowered, flourish and thrive in! One of my biggest passions in life is intuitively guiding others on a road to optimum wellness and full potentiality!
In order to have compassion for others,
we must first have compassion for ourselves
~ Meagan McCrary ~
MAITRI is a Sanskrit word, one of 4 virtues of Buddhism & a fundamental aspect of Yoga Philosophy. It is the teaching of non-violence (ahimsa) towards all beings, including oneself. Developing maitri helps us move away from judgment & criticism, and more towards unconditional friendliness & loving-kindness with ourselves, that in turn helps us find mental equanimity & acceptance, connecting with our inner divinity!!
MAMA, though taking many variations & forms, only one true meaning. A universal word for all wonderful, caring, giving, forever loving beings gifted on this earth to take care & guide all earthlings. You don't have to have children of your own to be a mother-figure. You are a mother to your friendly dog, your ever growing garden of blossoming plants, an aunt, a teacher. Mothering qualities are embedded in you from the beginning of your conception; the moment you were chosen to take the form of a woman on this earth; gifted with a sacred womb space. We have a deep alignment with Mother Earth; and honored to say a continuum of womb connectedness.
"Every journey starts from within"

My Vision
For years I envisioned a safe space for connection, expression and unity with other women. I had great difficulty to find this, even more during my own fertility struggles, becoming a new mom and the challenging postpartum time, therefore as a visionary, I felt the need to create it. MaMaitri has now allowed me to bring my vision to reality through;

My Mission
My deepest mission is to be of service, to share my knowledge, personal experience and professional expertise, to guide women and help them open up to their own endless potential that was there to begin with! It is an emotionally very rewarding and touching process I feel very honored and humbled to be trusted with, and always look forward to watching women;

My Journey
Ever since I was a little girl, music, movement & art have always formed a critical part of my life, a means of expression & release; my go-to safe space! My intrigue for the spiritual world, the empathic connection I had towards others & my constant urge to help others started at an even younger age.
Growing up in Greece, to a Greek dad & Maltese mom, I lived a childhood filled with constant music & the arts, traditions, culture & exquisite cuisine. At the age of 9, my family & I moved to Malta, a beautiful Mediterranean Island. My love for the arts grew fonder, though with great dedication and very hard work, anxiety creeped in. At 16, I was blessed to earn a 3 year scholarship to further my studies in dance & the performing arts, in the UK. Those years were spent perfecting my passions, preparing & working for the tough industry I had already been a part of from a very young age.

After traveling & working around the world as a professional dancer, aerialist & performing artist, I met my soulmate on a cruise line. Me; a dancer/aerialist, he; a Greek Captain. We instantly fell in-love and little did I know that my expectations for the future would take a very unexpected though wonderful turn - moving back to Greece, living together, earning a BSc Hons in Psychology, teaching & choreographing, getting married & growing a family together! Our little ones were born in 2012 & 2014, a blessing from above!!
Although at first everything seemed so perfectly aligned, unknown to my conscious at the time, I was so overwhelmed as a new mama of a toddler & a newborn baby. Unfortunately, that very familiar feeling of anxiety, topped with postpartum depression and a heavy post-infectious IBS took-over, as well as some underlying history of eating disorder & body dismorphia that I had hidden from the world & myself for years! Taking care of myself finally took a priority & after a combination of therapy, daily yoga, meditation, pranayama breathing & ayurvedic treatments, what seemed like stuck in a deep hole, took over 3 years of re-discovery & growth.
In 2016, we decided to move to the US after living in Greece & traveling around the world for over 7 years! This would potentially help us grow as a family & individually both personally & professionally!! The journey of becoming a teacher & helping others became a daily need & life was somewhat normalizing. Though to our surprise, in 2016 & 2017 we suffered 2 miscarriages (the latter leading to a very necessary but devastating D&C procedure after a missed-miscarriage) and finding ourselves visiting IVF specialists & discussing adoption! We knew we wanted more kids but somehow, something was telling us perhaps it is not the right time?​

So, I continued to teach & work on my own personal evolution & healing process. Life was overwhelming to say the least but all the tools I had acquired over time came in handy! In 2018, we were finally blessed with our double rainbow baby. Despite complications in the early pregnancy until the delivery, our strong fighter never gave up! Then, in 2021 we welcomed our 4th angel. A true honor to have been chosen to both be pregnant & birth such miracles to life!!
Then, during the pandemic, after the world got shut down, and I was forced to stop working at the various studios I was at the time, I decided it was time for me take the initiative and do something on my own! So, MaMaitri was formed out of an inspiration to bring women together and be of service during a very tough time, globally! Years on, through several ups and downs, both personal and global, I persisted and here we are today! I continue to feel truly in-tune with my dharmic life purpose of serving those who need the support, light, comfort and overall encouragement, as many of us find ourselves in this situation several times in our life's journey!
Life is full of the unexpected and un-explainable! The high, the lows, and all the in-between.
Sister, I hear you, I feel for you! We all have our own journey to go through, though it would only make this unique journey a little sweeter with some great support, encouragement & understanding!
I have been dreaming for this global-community of women for years & I am so thrilled to be of service, to encourage, listen, support, guide, teach & help you thrive, grow, overcome & find your balance, self & grow to the Wonderful Woman you are deep inside!!!!
Student for life
BSc Hons in Psychology (University of Derby, UK)
Life Coach (The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, UK)
Counselling Skills (The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, UK)
Certified Trauma Support Specialist (Arizona Trauma Institute, USA)
Vagal Toning (Rewire Therapy Institute, USA)
The Biology of Trauma (Dr. Aimie Apigian)
NLP Master Practitioner (The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, UK)
CBT Practitioner (The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, UK)
REBT (Dr. Elmira Strange)
DBT (Dr. Elmira Strange)
Gestalt Psychotherapy (Dr. Elmira Strange)
SFBT (Dr. Barry Winbolt)
Ho'oponopono Practitioner (Dr. Joe Vitale)
Law of Attraction Practitioner (Dr. Joe Vitale)
Belief Clearing Practitioner (Dr. Joe Vitale)
Building a women's circle (Katherine Cunningham)
Grief Facilitator Training (Wild Feminine Pilates)
Functional Nutritional Counselor (FNA, USA)
Clinical Herbalist & Aromatherapist in-Training (Heart of Herbs, USA)
Naturopathy Practitioner (Scholistico, USA)
Fertility Health Coach (Brilliant Birth Academy, USA)
Pre- & Postnatal Coach (Girls Gone Strong, USA)
Holistic Hormone Health Educator
Birth Trauma Facilitator (Make Birth Better, USA)
Advanced Yoga Practitioner & Ayurvedic Studies (RYT500, RPYT, RCYT)
Barre (Barre Certification, USA)
Pilates Mat (Pilates Certification Online, USA)
Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist (Dr. Sarah Duvall)
Women's Functional Mobility Specialist & Personal Trainer (ASFA)
Meditation Teacher (Yogamu Institute, USA)
Mindfulness Practitioner (The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, UK
Reiki Master (Attuned by Lisa Powers)
Crystal Reiki Master (Attuned by Lisa Powers)
Reiki & Colour Therapy (Libby Seery & Lisa Powers)
Kids Reiki (Aimee Phlegar)
Chakra Therapeutics (Alanna Kaivalya)
Hypnotherapy Certificate (The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, UK)
Quantum Hypnosis (QHHT by Dolores Cannon)
Numerology Practitioner (Angelifish Academy)
Sound Therapy & Sound Healing Practitioner (Soulremember Academy)
Advanced Bach Flower Remedies (Luna Holistic Academy)
Advanced Angel Healing (Luna Holistic Academy)
Astrology (Luna Holistic Academy)